eIDAS e-Signatures

Buy ADACOM approved Digital Signature now,
in accordance with the European eIDAS Regulation,
easily and quickly!

Advanced (Soft) Electronic Seal for Legal Person

Product Code: Advanced e-seal
  • Issued to Legal Person

  • It is required the validation of the Legal Person and Legal Representative.

    This type of stamp is created and stored without the use of an QSCD.

    A Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is required, which will contain information to be included in the certificate, such as the name of the organization, VAT/GEMI number and country.

    Upon receipt of the CSR, the Soft Seal certificate will be generated. The certificate must be installed on Organization's server so, that it can be used for multiple purposes, including document sealing.

  • 300.00€

Available Options

  • Proof of the Legal Representative’s identity based on a National ID (for Greece and Cyprus) or Passport issued by any other country, given that the document includes a unique number assigned by the document issuing authority.

  • Filled and signed Application Form by the Legal Representative (or third authorized person*)

  • Recent Certificate of Representation issued by the General Business Registry and/or any other company's legalization document of the Legal Person which proves its Name, Tax ID Number and Legal Representative.

    *In case of a third authorized person applying for the issuance of the Qualified Certificate, copy of power of attorney from the Legal Representative to that third person or any other equivalent document, which shows that the third person is able to sign on behalf of the Legal Representative.

  1. Via email

  2. Via phone

  3. Remote

Certificate Issuance

  1. By the physical presence of the Subscriber’s Legal Representative to ADACOM premises.

  2. By sending via courier or postal service to ADACOM premises (Kreontos 25 St. 10442, Athens) the verification documents with notarization by a public notary or any official authority.

Certificate Renewal

  1. By sending all the Verification Documents Digitally Signed via email at lra@adacom.com

Issuance Time Needed 1-2 working days
eIDAS Compliance Yes
Certified Company
Proposed Use Companies, (e-invoices)

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